weight restriction skydiving

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注册时间: 周三 9月 11, 2024 8:07 pm

weight restriction skydiving

帖子 Scottneush »

* **Safety concerns:** The company might be hesitant to trust you with their equipment if you haven't been upfront about your weight.
<h3>Parachute Overload</h3>

More data here <a href=https://travelerschat.com/sky-diving/mi ... diving/</a>

**A:** If you are close to the weight limit, it's best to contact the skydiving company directly and discuss your situation. They may have specific guidelines or recommendations for jumpers near the weight limit.
**Q: Are there any other factors that can affect my eligibility for skydiving besides weight?**
**A:** Yes, if you are determined to skydive and are above the weight limit, you can consider losing weight to meet the requirements. This is a long-term solution that can benefit your overall health and well-being.
<h3>2. Consider Tandem Jumps</h3>
<h2>The Importance of Disclosure: Being Honest About Your Weight</h2>